Sunday, July 27, 2008

Sunday Randomness

- the word random and blogs just go  together.  Isn't kind of what a blog is all about?  A place to write down all of the random thoughts that float around the brain unless we tell somebody... (so Todd is probably thankful for blogs!)

-Emma is a handful.  In case you didn't know already.

-Missionary Stories from around the World.  It's a great book.  

-Guitar Hero Aerosmith and now 2 guitars at our house means we better read "Don't Waste Your Life" again!  (I think John Piper needs to add a chapter called 'don't waste your Wii'... I am sure there's a way to do it!)

-Todd Bentley is in LA right now.  The blind see, the deaf hear.  The stroke victim can move his right arm again, the guy with the tumor is healed and accepts Jesus.  Story after story and for some reason I cannot get enough.  When God physically touches people, physically heals them through no explanation other than a miracle. I can't get enough of these testimonies.  Is this how the book in heaven will read?  If it does, I won't be able to put it down.

-My House=A Disaster.  Just so we all know.

-I miss Mike and Tina.  Oh, friends. Maybe they should move here?  

-Just one more thing I love about mac? command c. then command v.  I know pcs have it too... but I never used it... it just makes more sense on the mac. ;)

1 comment:

Ma and Pa Moore said...

:-) and SO many more shortcuts with the command key. The kids and teachers get so tired of me drumming them into their heads - but eventually they say, "See - I'm using the shortcuts!"