Monday, December 1, 2008

poor eve

Well, yesterday I finally took Evie in to Urgent Care since there was some really gross funk draining out of her ear.  I told you before, she is getting molars... like 4 molars right now.  She has been so crabby and not at all herself for weeks.  I had been blaming it entirely on the teeth.  And then the past week or so she has been a complete grouch.  It finally dawned on me on Saturday that she may have an ear infection.  Hello, light bulb!  And wouldn't you know it, later that day the funk started dripping.  But Urgent Care was closed by then and I figured she'd be alright until after church on Sunday.  So.  After a long night and stressful morning, I finally took her in.  Which, by the way- as a side note.  I hate hospitals.  Hate them. Seriously.  I know they help people and that's great.  I just don't like being there.  So, anyway.  Two ear infections and a burst ear drum later, Evie is souped up on antibiotics, antibiotic ear drops and pain reliever.  And she is already beginning to look like her old self again.  Poor little thing!  


Lalena said...

I've been praying. Matt had that happen like 5 times...

Ma and Pa Moore said...

SO glad she is starting to feel like herself again. One of our aide's little boys had the very same thing happen two weeks ago. She was just like you - thought it was teeth - until the goop started coming out of his ear!

Mandi! said...

Poor girl! So glad she's on the road to recovery! Need help with anything??