Monday, August 25, 2008

a new week

A new week.  The girls are at school.  Emma is watching her Diego.  Evie is sleeping.  I am blogging.  All is right in the world.  Just kidding... but seriously.  Wow, it's quiet without all the kids here.  And there's extra time.  And somehow it's more messy.  But it might just be because I haven't vacuumed... for 2 days.  (Dark blue carpet = a lot of vacuuming!!)  Soon I am going to the YMCA with a couple of friends.  We're starting this new thing called meet-at-the-Y-after-we-drop-off-the-kids. I am sort of  not really excited... but I know it will be good. :)  And then... yes, laundry.  Exciting Monday.  Hope you have a great week!

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