Tuesday, August 26, 2008

a new standard.

Just realizing I offered my house for a baby shower on Saturday (love you Mandi!).  Hmmm.  I guess I am  going to need to get to it here... the dust is taking over.  

Plus. I am not sure how the house got so dirty.  I really can't comprehend how in the past week, the dirt multiplied. ...Or maybe I just have more time to notice it now.  A new standard of clean, as a friend put it.  Great!  A new standard of clean? Does that mean that the walls might need to be washed at some point and the couch... that used to be white last time I really noticed it.... that is now.... spotted and some form of dingy-camouflage, might need to be taken care of?!  Yes.  I better get to it.  Right after I get done with the other things I had in my mind to do today (like have coffee with a friend, make bead bracelets at the schoolita and go meander at the craft store!).  So much more important than clean walls, don't you think!?


Abby K said...

Waaaaaaaaay more important! I've decided that dust is part of life, why try to remove something that's just part of the daily scenery?

Lalena said...

ditto with Abby!

We live in a dust bowl...just embrace it.

I'm bummed I wont be able to come to the shower. Thats the day we take the first born to college...sigh

Mandi! said...

You are so awesome for opening your home to a bunch o ladies! I don't think anyone will notice the dust or the comfy couch or even the walls... and if they did, it'll remind them of home!

Anonymous said...

I like the new banner. and the couch could be covered in plastic and never be comfortable, but I like the comfortable, little-bit messy look better.