Monday, August 18, 2008

Escuela. Hoy.

School.  Today.

I thought it was going to be a rude awakening.  I was ready for the rudeness.  I even already had a clever blog title the day before... just to be ready.  But there was no rudeness to be found.  We were all ready.  

Bella started her day early, Ab followed later on.  As I dropped off ruff and ready Abs to her Kinder Class, I spied Bella on the playground.  Recess.  And she was playing.  With lots of friends.  I was filled.  And then the bell rang.  And off she ran with the little crew.  Till all of a sudden she realized she forgot her lunch bag.  Then her face changed.  She quickly ran to get it and turned around, thinking she'd lost all her friends, thinking she wouldn't know where to go (oh, what a mom can read in a face).  But that wasn't even the case, because all of her little friends waited for her.  Oh, the joy!  In her and me.  And I was watching it all... and she didn't even see me.  She had so much fun today.  So much.  She said "I can't believe I was so nervous.  It was more fun than ever."  Yes.  

And two.  Two.  That is the number of kids in Ab's class that speak English.  Including Abs.  But she LOVED it.  And somehow made a friend despite the lack of common language.  And she hurt her head and had to go to the office.  But my friend was there and she took care of her. And she was better.  And she loved it.  

And they both wished it was tomorrow so they could go to school.

And as for me, I am good.  I am excited, I am proud of those girls.  Even though I totally missed them today.  And I did their chores... I had to put the laundry away.  And the dishes.  And clean the living room. And I thought, they are growing up.  Growing. Up.  And I had a tiny bit of separation anxiety.  Just a tiny bit. But overall it was good.   It was great.


Milk and Honey said...

That is so good Ann. I love that they made friends so quickly. With Bella being such the little evangelist it's going to be exciting to see how many of her little friends she leads to Jesus!

Ma and Pa Moore said...

So glad things went so good - I knew they would! Who wouldn't want the Moore girls for friends? :)

Angela said...

They look so cute! Good for you, brave mama. I bet there might have been a few tears... from you... there were over here, too.