Saturday, June 21, 2008

the heat wave

Yesterday was the hottest day ever.  Literally, it was the hottest it has ever been in Santa Maria.  110 degrees here in our moderate climate takes it's toll!  We've been trying to stay cool- but it's almost too hot to be outside with the burning sun.  So yesterday we went bowling during the hottest part of the day, and then went swimming at the YMCA when Todd got of off work.  It was a blast and cooled us off!  They said today was cooler... I was just as hot.  But right now, it is 65.  So nice.  And we're cooling down.  So, we might go to the beach tomorrow if it's not so hot.  It might be fun.

1 comment:

Ma and Pa Moore said...

Wow! You can have the 100 degree weather! Tomorrow's high here is to be 73 - I'll take it!