Monday, December 11, 2006

She's 6

Saturday was Belle's 6th birthday. She had a great day. She invited a couple of friends and had some fun with Chuck E. Cheese! They had a blast- played games, danced with Chuck E, won prizes. Then the girls came over for a slumber party! They stayed up way too late playing Polly Pockets and growling through fake teeth (thanks to the party pack from CC's). She got rid of her booster seat for good- she was pretty excited about that! And she is getting so big, growing up fast! She lost her first tooth tonight. That is another story for another day!
She loved all the gifts that were sent. She's been wearing the pink skirt for two days in a row, Grammy. And they play dress up non-stop with their new "sister" Princess Belle. Grandma & Grandpa- Bella Dancerella Popstar Dance Party! Bella has been acting like a rockstar for the past couple days anyway, so now she has a headset! Todd & the girls were watching the instructional video and doing some 'sweet moves'- which I caught on tape. It was hilarious! He is such a great Dad! It did resemble Napoleon Dynamite, though :)
We are pretty much exhausted. The party at Chuck E Cheese was so chaotic. Emma is so sneaky that the moment I put her down, she disappered! Her favorite thing to do was to walk down the skeeball alley and sit in the divider. Goof. She almost got left behind- for real!
Abigail's been sick, but it didn't stop her from having a great time and helping Bella celebrate her big day. She is a sweety pie.
Tonight Isabella went out and spent her b-day money. She bought a barbie doll ballerina, and one for her sis. Isn't that sweet? She is so excited to give it to her in the morning. She even wrapped it. She then put it on Ab's bed next to her, gave her a kiss and whispered 'this is for you to open in the morning, good night'. Beauty!! I love these crazy girls!
love ya!

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