Thursday, December 21, 2006

Christmas Break!

Tonight we went to the mall. The mall is Santa Maria is nothing compared to those in Akron - maybe more like the one in Defiance :) . And Santa was there. Of course the girls didn't even give him the time of day. They told us that he is just a guy dressed up like Santa! So no picture with him! They got each other some little gifts, I took Abigail and Todd took Bell. Abigail got Bell some little treats and then when we were half way across the mall I looke down and she didn't have the bag anymore! She had left it in the bookstore. (at least she remembered where!) But we had to walk all the way back to get. Luckily it was still right where she'd left it!! Phew! Nothing much more is going on here. The girls have been watching a lot of Christmas movies, doing some Christmas crafts (we made snow globes yesterday! so fun!), and coloring in their Christmas coloring books. And of course spending time with friends!! We miss you guys, our family and friends far away, so much at this time of year! Still hoping for snow for you! (David, you could send us all some from Colorado Springs!!) love.

1 comment:

Ma and Pa Moore said...

Actually, I think your mall is probably better than Defiance's! But for sure - nothing like Akron! And how lucky was that - Abigail's bag was right where she left it?
Missing you bunches!