Sunday, December 17, 2006

ew gross...well, it's not that bad when...

Abigail got sick last night! Poor little thing! She got the stomach flu. She came down with the bucket and told us she'd gotten sick. I know, ew, right? But seriously, we didn't give her the bucket the night before. She just found it on her own in the middle of the night, and used it. Nothing for us to clean up. She is such a little independent sweetie. She is a trooper, my smart 3 year old. And praise the Lord, really, because our tummies aren't totally better so cleaning up after her would not have been fun (I mean, even in health who wants to do that?!)

But she had to miss her little Christmas program today. She was going to be a sheep. It was alright, I don't think she even realized it. Bella did make it, dressed up like a shepherd. I forgot my camera, so no pics! (Can you believe it?)

Ab is feeling better now, and even while I type they are playing duck duck goose. Yeah, just the two of them. :)

1 comment:

Leah said...

I can't believe Ab came down with the bucket and had cleaned everything up herself. That's amazing! I mean, she is three! Little sweetie - I am glad she is feeling better.