Thursday, April 16, 2009

another day

Thursday, and almost the end of Spring Break!  This has been a week of staying home and cleaning house and being together.  Mostly it has been great- minus the fact that somehow the house is still a mess and the girls are weaving in and out of getting along and fighting like crazy. 

We are on to the upstairs,  moving around the sleeping arrangements and (hopefully) getting rid of stuff we don't need. (We have SO many toys!)

And I am making a wintery split pea soup to warm us up since the cold strong wind has been blowing us over all week!  

And by the way... I removed the music player!  Are you glad?  I am.  I hate it when music loudly starts on a page because my volume is turned up... and before my player had the autostart option turned OFF, which is way better.  So anyway.  Music player gone.  I can hear you already saying (good riddance!).


Lalena said...

mmmmmm....soup sounds wonderful.

Mandi! said...

Isn't it ironic? The more I stay home and clean the messier it always is... hmmmm.

Never had split pea soup- is it hard to make?

annie said...

Split pea soup is incredibly easy to make. Ready?

Saute an onion, a carrot and a couple of cloves of garlic in some olive oil.

Add 2 "tetras" (Those box containers) of stock. I usually use the low sodium kind from TJs, but this time I tried the low-sodium Vegetable stock- it was WAY better. But also higher in sodium... anyway. And some Rosemary, Pepper & Sea Salt.

Add a bag of dried, rinsed split peas.

Boil & simmer for a couple hours till they're tender.

Done! And even the girls LOVE it. It's so good.