Tuesday, April 28, 2009

the opposite

Today... I want to be creative.  I need to make something.  I need to take hold of some idea and bring it to life.  

The trouble is... and this is going to sound funny.  It is that my garage is a disaster.  Yes, I know.  But that is where all of my crafting items are.  And they are in disarray.  Major disarray.  So I actually need to clean the garage first, or at least my area of the garage.  But that is not very inspiring.

And there is where the problem lies.  Organize.  Then create.  But the two seem so opposed.

And I do not even want to clean the garage today... so my solution.  is...  Do what I don't want so that I can eventually do what I do want.  Yikes.  I see a life lesson brewing.

Didn't I just tell the Kindergartners that yesterday?  Why are these simple lessons so hard to learn!!?


CodiNapkin said...

For some reason I always pictured you as organized, but now that you mention it creative people are rarely organized people, their like polar opposites. LOL, you must be pretty good at overcoming your natural tendency 'cause I really thought you were fairly organized, but of course you have to consider I'm comparing you to myself or my mom.

eva said...

Maybe if you make organizing part of the creativity. Like with cute labels or bins, or some spray painted pegboard. Oh, life.