Tuesday, April 7, 2009

first installment

We were so excited to get home and find a Trader Joe's bag overflowing with fresh veggies.  We ordered a subscription from my favorite blue house lady- organic produce grown just a couple of blocks away!!  So exciting.  It was like opening up a treasure chest... and best, the girls are so excited to try everything!!  Green & red leaf lettuce, green onions, cauliflower, strawberries, spinach, parsley, kohlrabi (which I had to look up- a combo of cabbage & turnip), fennel, carrots, radishes... and more!  So so incredibly fun!!


Ma and Pa Moore said...

I thought you had turned your back yard into a garden and had a really green thumb! Looks delicious!

Mandi! said...

I can't believe you got kohlrabi! I haven't heard of it since I moved here- mmmm.