Friday, January 23, 2009

a candle

Since everybody has been asking, here is one of my latest drawings.  I really can't take too much credit for it, since I am following some really step by step instructions from a great book I got at Michael's.  I love books, don't you?  So much to learn...

But seriously.  I have been doing some little mini-lessons from a book called "Painting Light with Colored Pencil" and I love it.  The artist uses bright, opaque colors in her realistic images.  They are amazing! So this candle is one of hers which she teaches the world to copy, at least those of us who purchase her book.

I am excited to soon attempt something of my own- taking the things I have learned about color, shading and blending.  Everywhere I go I am looking- seeing light and shadow, and color in a new way again.  I love it.  And even though Todd thinks I am a little crazy when I say something like "Oh my gosh!  Look at how those shadows fall across the road!!"  or "Wow, I never would have thought to use orange in that, but look!! It's orange!"   I think it might be rubbing off on him a little, too.


Lalena said...

Ann its so perfect. You get better with each one! I'm so glad you're doing what you love!

Ma and Pa Moore said...

It looks so real. You are so talented!

eva said...

Beautiful! I can't wait to see where you go in this new world of light and color. :)

eva said...

P.s.... I saw an illustration on the cover of a book the other day that was a different version of "Christina's World". The girl was in the exact same position on the grass, but in regular kid clothes and looking a more modern, everyday looking house. It was a young adult novel. Anyway, it was neat to see the Andrew Wyeth inspiration.