Tuesday, August 21, 2007

What, exactly, is on God's iPod?

Over the Rhine's new album came out today! And Todd came in and downloaded it for me from iTunes from his own fund. Way better than a dozen roses, that is for sure! Usually I have to have the CD in my hands to truly appreciate it- read the liner for about an hour, study all of the artwork....read the notes. This time, I just read the digital booklet which was actually just as beautiful and nothing was lacking in doing so, except the old fashioned feeling of holding a CD jacket in my hands ;)

Here's a little taste for you (by the way- you can listen to the album on their website, I'd recommend the into to "I Don't Want to Waste Your Time", the song "The Trumpet Child" and "If a Song Could be President"...just from the first listen) from the liner notes:

"We've been wondering about the sound of the trumpet in those old hymns- Is it real? Is it a metaphor? What, exactly, is on God's iPod? And me, my first memory, the sound of a trumpet at a tent meeting revival, I was sitting on my mother's lap. I remember that bright brass bell, that eggtooth blast waking me up, snapping the world into focus, piercing the womb of distant muffled things, stirring my conscious mind, the sound of a trumpet! and I remember the stage at the front of the tent, strings of bare lightbulbs, my sister Grace's braids, and me forming my first real thought: I need to be where the sound is coming from."

:) Just a small taste from the notes of Linford. I know you know how much I love Over the Rhine. Thanks for reading :)

1 comment:

Leah said...

Yay - how great Sis. I also like If a Song Could Be President but my favorite so far is Entertaining Thoughts.

But one of my all time favorites will always be Lucy. ;-)