Wednesday, August 1, 2007

lake san antonio

Over the weekend we went as chaperons on the youth group camping trip at Lake San Antonio. We went early to help set up all the tents- when we got there it was SO SO hot. It was 98 each day which is WAY hotter than what we are used to- and much hotter than I had expected!!! I think I drank about 3 bottles of water in one hour!! Sheesh! But we had a fun time with all the kids, and the girls had a blast.

Here are some pics:

These deer just kept coming over to us, eating right out of our hands. There were about 4 and a baby. We found out that they don't like soda, as one of the kids tried to give it some....and also, they run away if you try to ride them.....hmmm.

Bella was taking notes during one of the little teaching sessions. It was amazingly sweet. She wrote: Wen Frsty com tu Jesus. Bles the peple ho r srsde. Can you interpret that?

This is Paulina, one of the sweet youth with "Princess Abigail" as she called her the entire weekend. Every time Paulina would see the girls she would say "Best friend!!" And made up a secret best friend song with them. They LOVE her....needless to say.

And this is the highlight- Abigail got baptized! So beautiful. Bella was going to also, but then she changed her mind- I think she was too shy, but she said: I will do it when I am a little older and understand it better. She is such a thinker.


Leah said...

Yay Princess Abigail - getting baptized. She looks like she had a great weekend!

Bella is so sweet - let me guess: Wen Frsty com tu Jesus. Bles the peple ho r srsde.

When first come to Jesus. Bless the people who are....saved?

Even if I am only close...that's amazing - she is really smart.

annie said...

not quite....want a hint? the theme of the weekend was (fittingly) "Quench the Thirst"

Ma and Pa Moore said...

Sorry it has taken me so long to comment - a little busy around here! Well, when I first saw it my guess was....When Frosty came to Jesus. Bless the people who are thirsty. But that didn't make sense - so I decided it was When the thirsty come to Jesus. He blessed the people who are thirsty.
Looks like you had a great weekend!

Anonymous said...

you got it!! ah ha ha frosty! i wish frosty was there!! :)