Thursday, August 30, 2007

....and lately

We have been trying to find a bird cage. Todd wants to get a bird, so we have been looking for a used one- just in case it is a passing phase. And yesterday I found a perfect cage at the perfect price on Craigslist! So, we picked it up this morning. We had to go up to San Luis, but we were going to the beach today anyway, so no big deal. On the way there I had the windows down and all of a sudden I started smelling a yummy spicy smell. I looked out and we were driving past a field of chili peppers! It was pretty cool- we could smell their spicy goodness just driving by!

And we hit the beach today- it was perfect. And empty, since most schools have started already. Perfect for keeping an eye on the kiddos while catching up with friends. We actually had a little "amen" meeting with a girl who wants to Rep for us and get our blankies into some stores in LA. Sort of exciting. So the ball is in our court now, we have to get some licenses and dbas or something. We will see what is happening with that!

And we had another meeting with the new teacher this week too. (At the library, where I have to tell you, I had a $45.00 fine. Yes, $45.00! Holy cow, Todd was not happy) Anyway! She is so great and has already given us some great tips and ideas to get the year started. She is going to be a great asset, I can already tell. So, yes, next week- it all begins!

Well, I suppose that is all the information you need for now :) love love.

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