Friday, January 26, 2007


A few years ago, a friend of mine had a dream. In the dream, she was walking through the woods on a path towards my daughters. As she was walking, she looked to her left and to her right where she saw 2 giant hummingbirds. She said they were flying still in the air, and watching her. She said in the dream, she knew they were there protecting the girls, their guardian angels.

I know it is a dream, but I have remembered it these past few years. It is amazing whenever I see a hummingbird- because it reminds me that God is protecting us, that He is watching us. It reminds me that He commands His angels concerning us- and that we have them guarding us at all times. Like, once when we went camping. We were just sitting in our little camping chairs, when really, out of nowhere, a little hummingbird flew right above us, hovered there for a few seconds, and then went on his way. Just a little reminder!

Outside my kitchen window, every single day I see hummingbirds!! (Well, we are in California!) They love the plants- especially the lavender that is growing there. So everyday, I look out and see God's reminder that He is with us. I was finally able to catch one today with the great new mega-zoom on my sister's canon! He tried to elude me once, but I caught him resting on this branch!! So here he is for you all to see. He has a green body and a bright red head, but it was too dark and foggy to pick it up!