Thursday, January 4, 2007


Today we officially got back to the grind. School is what I'm talking about. And it rained all day. So poor Bella has been finger-stretching words and sounding them out, finding the ones that rhyme and tackling her readers. All afternoon. She appreciated our break for some art lessons. Hans Holbein inspired a portrait, Goya a family portrait. In it we were having a picnic, we had sandwiches.

And that's it for today. School school and yet more school. We are behind and playing catch up. We have a long way to go. So, Abigail painted some watercolors...watched some wonderpets...dora...blues clues. hmmmm...She might have gotten the raw end of the deal today! And they are napping now. And everything is quiet. This is a nice time of the day. (Yes, a nice time for some OtR) :)

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