Saturday, January 6, 2007

my bday, part 2

Today was like my birthday all over again! My friend and I left our kids with their daddies and headed south. We went to Santa Barbara for my bday, part 2! We hit downtown- urban outfitters where they had some great craftivity books and other fun and mindless items. Then we walked passed restoration hardware over to the Paseo Nuevo mall. Aveda, Gap, California Pizza Kitchen. It was so fun. And I even got an ice cream sundae with a candle on top!! And we went to La Cumbre Plaza to....yes! Forever21!! (Mom, they had a J Jill there too- next time you come, we'll go!) I had a blast spending my gift cards on shirts and earrings and headbands. We tried on so many things. And we found some great stuff! I love shopping with a good friend- such bonding! :)

While I was out, the girls and Todd had a lazy day of sleeping and pizza getting. Now, we'll prepare for Abigail's birthday party on Tuesday!! Birthdays birthdays BIRTHDAYS!

1 comment:

Ma and Pa Moore said...

Sounds like such a great day! Wish I had been there - remember the fun we had shopping on your bday last year? And we only hit one store!!!! :) So, I can imagine how much fun this was!