Monday, January 1, 2007

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year, everybody! I hope you had a great first day of 2007. We ate sauerkraut. Not because of the luck thing. Mostly because it's tradition and I like traditions sometimes. And because it's the only day of the year we ever think of having it!!

We spent our day getting some projects out of the way, trying to get organized for the New Year! Well, school starts up again tomorrow, so I wanted to get it together before then. We're almost there, as always :) But seriously, Todd cleaned out the garage- it had been piled with boxes and package remains since the beginning of December when the first parcels started arriving for Bella's b-day. We're almost out of gift season. It is like a windfall from Dec 9 thru Jan 9 around here. All these birthdays! So the mail-trash was piling high. He got rid of all of it and now the garage is all clean, I am actually sitting out here now on our old computer that we set up to strip down. Fun, fun.

The girls spent the day riding their bike/scooter/wagons and played and played. Bella is NOT looking forward to school starting up tomorrow!! But it will be good for us to get back to normal! And it doesn't even take long so she will still have plenty of time for playing!

Well, well- I better get back to burning pictures to CD so I can delete them from the hard drive. So exciting! 2.5 GB of pictures from 2005. I know it is 2007. I know, believe me- I know! ;)

1 comment:

Ma and Pa Moore said...

A clean garage - doesn't that feel good!

And how did school go the first day back?

So, are you starting from scratch with your old computer? Sounds like fun to me! But then, I'm a nerd!