I love random. It is a funny little word that has become such a part of modern vocabulary. Randomly, out of the blue, one of my many.... it is fun to blog on random things. Plus, then I don't have to have like some major point to focus a few paragraphs on. So, maybe it is actually a little cheater-blog, sort of like when I just post a photo or two. But, whatever the case... random is for today. So, a few random things.... (not 25 like the thing going on
facebook, though...uh....)
I am loving rainbows right now. Not in a cheesy sense, or in a gay-rights sense. In fact, I am still tumbling over some design ideas in my head.... for a cute representation of the colors (yes, colors again!!) and meaning of the rainbow. We'll see what falls from the sky into these little hands.... hmmm. That would be cute!!
And LOST is back! Just had to mention it.
And there was another thing... Oh, yes. Salsa! Spicy hot new Costco salsa that is SOooo good. As long as it is WITH something or else it is just too spicy for me.
And a funny story: Yesterday I had some leftover pizza sitting on a plate on the counter. Evie- yes, Evie- climbed up on a stool and grabbed it, then came RUNNing into Todd's office, where I was- and started SHOVELing it into her mouth as fast as she could!! I think she knew I'd take it from her... but she was pretty proud of herself, too. Since she displayed such effort, I let her keep it!
And... that's all for now!