Friday, September 5, 2008

a little politics anyone?

I guess it's not off limits anymore... but people are still very devoted to their beliefs, as they should be.

I personally wasn't much interested in the election (unlike my sweet sis) until I knew for sure who the candidates were.  And now that we know, I decided that I better see where they stand and what their plans are.  It's clear they are both toting CHANGE- and we'd better make sure the change is for the better. So,  I opened up Word for Mac and wrote out a list of questions.  Then, I clicked over to their websites for some answers. (As a side note, isn't it amazing how so much information is literally at our fingertips!?  And I even have a question about that... but I am not sure either candidate has an answer for me...) Anyway, since I was writing it all up anyway, I thought you might find it interesting.  These are just the first few... and they sort of all blend together, the energy issues. This will be a process for me to take in all that they are saying and also to decipher the code of political jargon.  And if you think got it wrong,  PLEASE comment to correct me- that would be great! 

What is the plan to lower gas prices?

Obama: He will tax big oil companies and give Americans $1,000.00 to ease the burden of high gas prices. Will “crack down” on loopholes big oil slips through. Will lightly tap into the Strategic Petroleum Reserve (would sell 70 million of the 700 million barrels...US uses 21 million a day) and sell barrels of oil to provide some relief for high gas prices.

McCain: He will lift the restrictions for energy exploration and production, and build more pipelines to bring oil from America to America.  He advocates not buying oil for the Strategic Petroleum Reserve during times of high gas prices to offset demand. (this was passed by Congress and is in effect until the end of 2008)

What about dependency on Foreign Oil?

Obama: He will increase fuel economy standards for automobile manufacturers and give American companies 4 billion/year for development. (So the cars use less gas.) He'll give consumers a tax credit for buying hybrid. He will establish a Low-Carbon Standard by 2020, and implement a bio-fuel requirement by 2030 which means producing fuel alternatively, with corn, wheat, etc. (this is actually being done already) Will require oil companies to drill on land they own, but where they are not exploring (use it or lose it)- however, will use discretion about drilling in certain more fragile areas. 

McCain: He will enforce the standards for fuel-efficient vehicles- as of now, companies pay a fine when they don’t meet standards. He will make the penalty great enough so that the manufacturers will be compelled to meet the existing standards. He will give a consumer tax credit for buying hybrid. Will give a “prize” of 300 million for the development of a battery that is better than hybrids use now. Will implement a standard for alternative fuel. He will eliminate mandates and tariffs that prevent the development of bio-fuel. Will lift the restrictions on off-shore drilling, but will protect national wildlife areas. 

What is the plan to create clean, renewable energy?

Obama: He has set goals for energy efficiency & renewable energy (10% of our energy from renewable sources by 2012). Government will partner with private companies to build 5 clean coal plants. Will help facilitate the building of the pipelines.

McCain: Will give 2 billion/year to the development of clean-coal technology. Will construct 45 Nuclear Power Plants by 2030 with the goal of 100 in the future. Will encourage green jobs and technology by giving companies a specific tax credit for research and development of green technologies. Will support the existing tax-credit system to clean-energy companies and investments in those companies. He thinks the tax credit should be given for development- until the companies themselves are thriving, at that point, they would no longer need the tax credit.


Ma and Pa Moore said...

This is great! You are doing all the research for us! :) Thanks!

eva said...

This is very good to know! And looking at your above entry, I guess it's important to know that these things may or may not get done depending on the cooperation of congress. So, also the thing about bio-fuel is that it sounds really good, but can be really bad because it takes away from our farmable that that would normally be used to grow food, right? Just in case you need another thing to research;)

annie said...

Farmable land?? See this why things take so long to get done!! Eva!! Farmable land?! :) Just kidding. I am sure it is a very important issue.