Tuesday, January 15, 2008

the update

Where did today go? Suddenly, I looked at the clock and it was 3:00! I have no idea where the rest of the hours disappeared to. So, off to errands, and a quick stop at Starbucks for a Skinny Mocha. (It was just OK, I think I'll try the Skinny Caramel Latte next time:) )

Here is the quick update...

B. is doing really great- reading more and zipping through her Math lessons. She stayed up late to 'craft' with me and a friend the other night and she was so grown up. And as of now, she's obsessed with the Webkins she bought herself last week.

A. is for amazing. She is also reading and adding and subtracting and I have no idea how she knows any of this. She is a smart kid. She's been challenging me to UNO, because she says that I am no good at it and she always wins. Nice.

E. is having a little rough spot- as she is currently wanting to watch TV 24 hours a day. Really. And she has somehow figured out turning on the TV, the Satellite box and the DVD player (which she switches on with her toe). One night last week I woke up around 4 am, hearing the TV on. Yes, it was E. She tuned in during the wee hours for a 'lil bit of "Little Bear". We're trying to break the habit, so today she painted pretty much all day.

E. number 2 is a little sweetheart. She is holding things in her little hands and watching everyone very closely. She loves to watch A. dance around and she is smiling and happy. My favorite part is how she wakes up in the morning. She just wakes up. Then she lays there, looking around, and when I go over to her, she just looks at me and smiles. So beautiful!

And we're doing good. So that is the update. I'll get some photos up soon! :)

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