Sunday, January 27, 2008

The "Cheesy" Smile

Say "Cheese"! Who thought of it anyway? This is what Em looks like when she says cheese. Officially, this is now titled her "Cheesy Smile" at our house. You hear it, don't you? Ab encourages her in a sing-song voice "Do your cheesy smile, Emma....make your cheesy smile....ok, now make your mad face, Emma, like your mad!........cute, Em!.......ok, now make your happy face smile like this Emma." It is very entertaining and funny and very sweet.

Yes, here is the cheesy smile (and, yes, that is marker on her face...hmm.):

Well, it merits the whole sequence, so here it is!!
The Cheesy Smile-
The "Mad" Face...The "HAPPY!!" Face-