Friday, April 27, 2007

that explains it

I know you guys only come here for the pictures- so here's one from yesterday. The girls wanted to dress Emma up like a farmer- so they put her overalls on her and tried to make her wear a hat- which she immediately took off when I pulled out the camera- what a stinker! (It also explains her crazy hair!)

Anyway. The mystery has been solved. What mystery, you ask? If you belong to PETA, please stop reading now. We won a beta fish OVER a year ago at a baby shower. I barely ever, if at all this year have changed the water in the bowl (I just add more if it starts getting low) and MAYBE feed it once a week. I said to Todd a while back- why won't this fish die? I don't mean to be cruel, I just forget about the thing. Well, as it turns out, beta fish live in swamps in their natural environment and actually like murky, stagnant water. As it turns out, I am prolonging it's life and happiness by neglecting it! "Fish" is at home in it's nasty dirty bowl! So gross....but good for the fish, I guess!


Ma and Pa Moore said...

That's so funny - I don't even remember seeing a fish when we were there? Did I see it? :-)
Have sat in the sun the last two days. It has been SO nice!

Anonymous said...

Yeah, we all went on vacation for a week, and where was the fish? In his bowl, home alone. So sad. But it is still alive, so what can I say?

Leah said...

little sweeties!!!!!!