Friday, February 20, 2009

....let the drama begin!

TGIF and the start of softball!  Bell and Abs both have their first practices today- and somehow we lucked out.  They have practice at the same exact time and place!  Thank You, Lord.  Last year it was really tiring to drive back and forth across town, many times with overlapping schedules.  And then there was the whole only watching one girl practice thing.  But so far this is working out well for us!!  And somehow I am again sucked in to the position of "Team Mom"- and so the drama begins!  So far there is only one parent giving me trouble.  She already complained in our one phone conversation about the team name, the place we practice, how busy she is, the amount of notice she is getting, the design of the jackets and how much they cost...oh, and the pronunciation of her kids names.  (That one was my fault) And then called the coach to complain about me.  We like to say, well, if you want to help out, you're more than welcome.... to which she says "....well."    So, like I said.  Drama begins!  And the adventure of living out of the car for a few months.  Here we go!


Ma and Pa Moore said...

Hey - you are the perfect "Team Mom" - what's her problem? :)

annie said...
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