Tuesday, June 19, 2007

the lemon tree, an update

Remember my old post My Lemon Tree? Well, I thought you might like to see what it looks like now. Amazing. We even had to prune off a couple of fairly large "branches" a couple of weeks ago. Imagine that! That tree was so dead 2 months ago that I was considering digging it out, and now it is so full of life and growth that we already had to cut some growth off so that the higher branches could get stronger. I love it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yay! Your lemon tree! So, maybe Nate and Todd should go golfing together sometime. We can tag along, too. We could push our sunglasses down low on our noses, hold our water bottles in a very superior way, and solve the world's problems in a very haughty, we're-too-good-to-be-sitting-in-a-golf-cart kind of way. =^)