Tuesday, August 31, 2010

My add.

Today I did finish the entertainment area. But it was very distracting/ADD!! It was less like STOP and more like S.... Oh but I need to clean the patio and pull out that honeysuckle vine..... T..... Oh but I must finish that painting for my friend and also take it to her.... O... And I need to go to the bank and the post office.... P... And the laundry room needs a few labels posted on before I forget, along with a couple loads of laundry.

Somewhere between all of that, picking the girls up and so on... The entertainment center was complete.

The thing about organizing is that I want it DONE!! But it is a journey, and I am reminding myself that continually.

By the way, I have relayed the STOP sessions in the wrong way- it is Sort, Toss, Organize, Put Away. The Sort step is the one where you decide whether to store, donate, toss or keep. Small details which I just thought I'd correct :)

And, just for fun, I thought I'd show you what cleaning looks like at my house. Why does it always get worse before it gets better?!! Lol.

And just for fun again maybe you'd like to see my finished painting (except for that one little spot I missed) for my dear Hoyos friend.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


Kristen said...

First off, LOVE the painting! And our house is the same, things always get worse before they get better! I hate that!

Ma and Pa Moore said...

Love it!

Anonymous said...

Boaringly Dull