Monday, August 30, 2010

first STOP.

My STOP session lasted longer than 20 minutes, but I still had to end the session before the project was finished. Which is actually good because I can come back to it tomorrow with energy to get it completely done. Just like the book says!! So smart!


And so far:

It might not look that different, but believe me it will cut down on tons of clutter. I got rid of all of the CDs- we never use them! They were just taking up space since all of our music is on mp3 now. I moved all of the old board games to the closet, we don't use them that much, so some will go to goodwill and others will be stowed safely in the closet top until needed. All the Wii accessories now have a spot for functional use and the games and DVDs are also stored so that the ones we use the most are the easiest to reach (hot zone)... And stuff that we don't use all that much ( like home movies or old DVDs I don't want to get rid of) are more in the back (aka 'cold zone').

So I only got half done. And it took like 2 hours. BUT, I did stop! Which is a huge plus- bc ordinarily I just want to start and finish a projet on one afternoon. But now I can get to other things.... and my family might get dinner tonight. Plus I have a project waiting for me tomorrow. A project to finish!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


Mandi! said...

Wow! That's awesome! It'll be so nice organized & labeled... maybe I should start doing what I'm reading as well?? =]

Anonymous said...

sounds way to dull for me ............

Anonymous said...

And really Negative