Thursday, May 27, 2010

THIS moment.

Thinking lately.... pondering something I can't get out of my head. It is a little clip-ette from The Truth Project.... I wish I could find it for you. Well, I probably could... but it would take a really long time. :)

Anyway, it was just this little part of a larger message... the part that struck me... wasn't even the point the speaker was making. He did this little illustration... where he said the present, the moment... is like a narrow line moving along in time... turning the future into the past.

Which got me thinking. And thinking. And thinking. My present.... my now.... this moment- IS my past, in the making. And really, DETERMINES my future. Which is obvious.... BUT. Think about it. It really mean that every moment matters. Every one. And thinking how this moment impacts.... my kids.... my family.... my friends... my world.

It makes me want to LIVE.... to LOVE.... to GIVE.... big.

1 comment:

Mandi! said...

excellent thought... thank you for simplifying it for my brain to comprehend =]