Thursday, May 6, 2010


I was just at Target, which by the way... I love the garden section of any store on a day like today. Beautiful warm sunshine, soft breeze... Just gorgeous! Anyway, I was in the garden section at Target and I wandered a little from my cart, caught by some flowers just a couple more rows down. Plus Evie and Emma were looking at one of those fountain things and so were preoccupied.

Just a few seonds later, a lady (she was one of those all-business-skinny-white-haired-ladies.... You know the ones?) shoots over to me: "Are these your children?" (o lord!) Immediately my mind went into defensive mode, like what-the-heck-lady-my-kids-are-FINE-and-mind-your-own-business!!!
"She is standing up!" she says, you know, with that tone that exclaims 'take care of this and why aren't you watching them?!!'.
In my mind I raced, almost blurting out "oh, they are fine, for goodness sakes!!" Yet instantly remembering that she probably has the best intentions, doesn't want my kids to fall, remembering that she is also loved by my King and is worthy of respect, I say, "Thank You" and smile, still taking my time though I maybe should have raced over to 'help' them not fall. I know if you have little kids, you have been there.

The thing is, my kids stand up in the cart from time to time. Or climb over the back, which, yes, is dangerous. But I would drive myself crazy if I got on the everytime- especially when their trying to SEE the amazing water rushing around in those cool fountains. And I figure, if they fall, then they'll learn... but they are honestly pros at it at this point.

Then I got to thinking- way back when (like on the old TV shows) the kids always behaved so well. But why? Because the parents were more strict? Or did they just take their kids to less places? Today we stay home less, so are our kids just comfortable being out and about? Therefore, less frightened of being a little nutty now and then? …And now there are taxi-cab carts, and carts with cool seats, and stores that cater to little kids by having kid-sized mini-carts, they hide stuffed animals for kids to look for as their parents shop and handing out cookies. (Trader Joe's rocks!) Its like the world is friendlier for kids… in one sense. Maybe because in the other sense, it isn't as safe. When we were young, our moms would let us stay in the car while they ran in the store. Remember that? My friends would tell me they would be in there… with their siblings, listening to music, climbing on the roof, having a ball. Wouldn't happen today- in fact, I think it's illegal!

So anyway. I try try TRY to be nice when the ladies speak. I am sure they are just trying to help. I am sure in that moment the lady ACTUALLY thought Evie was about to topple out of the cart! Truly, though, I almost always feel like they are clearly yet also secretly telling me that I surely WON'T be voted 'mom of the year' (as a friend used to say ;) ) and that I really should be more attentive to my kids.

The truth is, none of us are perfect. We can all be better. So next time the ladies say something- I will remind myself that my kids are amazing, they are loved and cared for, and I will say thanks with a smile, believing the best... Will that help? What about you? Any ideas? What would you do? Or have you been there? On either end?

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


Mandi! said...

Oy! Unfortunately, one time at Foodsco I turned my back & 13 mth old Jeremiah squirmed out of the belt & stood up ready to jump (all the while screaming which I was ignoring) & from the corner of my eye I saw a band of women running toward me- freaked me out- grabbing him b4 he could leap! Very memorable :{ (Also, what about the countless trips with non-stop scream-at-the-top-of-the-lungs crying?)
For me growing up, we begged to stay in the car =]

The Arteagas said...

yes, I'm with Mandi - staying in the car was so much fun!

and too bad you ladies don't live in Latin America - lots of advice from all sorts of people - some of it super crazy - like never give your kids ice cream or cold things when they have a sore throat!! I don't know . .. all sorts of crazy things - we don't cover our babies with blankets enough (you would think we lived in the artic with the way they cover them with hats and all to go outside!). can't wait to meet you two!