Thursday, March 29, 2007

let it be

Wow! Yes, it is true, a new blog from here! Amazing, isn't it??! Well, the truth is, I have been mostly laying around and feeling sick for the past month! I have been so tired and nauseous that I had no energy to even get the basics, such as blogging, done! But NOW, I am feeling SO much better- the whole week has been like a new phase, like the SECOND TRIMESTER- finally! :) So we are (hopefully) back to bloggerworld.

All I have to say really is, Teletubbies. Oh my goodness, teletubbies. Or as Emma likes to say ten thousand times a day- tubtubby (as she points to the TV, VCR or Remote Control)! She is obsessed. OBSESSED. I don't know how it happened. One day she was watching an old tape of Bella's, the next day- it is all she can think about. It is extremely cute, though- to watch her get so excited when it comes on. She covers her mouth in anticipation....she says WOW! and if you are next to her, she will make you do the same thing by pulling your hand to your mouth! And then she mimics EVERYTHING she sees. "Uh-uh" "No!" "Big Hug" "Lalalala". And she does the dances. She rolls on the floor. She hops in circles. She is in love.

Ab and Bella are good. They decided they wanted their bunk beds "down", so they are very excited about the new set up. And they have started a new habit of going "fence climbing". They pack some snacks and go out back. Then they proceed to try and climb over the ten foot fence out back! I don't know what they think they will do if they get to the top! Hop over? I hope not!! They climbed up the swing set and almost reached the top- I was afraid they were going to jump over! I tried explaining it to them, but all was lost. I guess it is just for fun. It is mostly about the snacks, anyway!

And can I just say- I love how no one is talking about how Howard Stern is urging all of the people to vote for Sanjaya!! He is sweet and all, but it is almost like he is doing all he can to get kicked off!! I feel kind of bad for him actually....not that bad though, because really he should just step down. But I do think it is funny how no one is talking about it on the show. Simon was right, what more can they say!!!!


Ma and Pa Moore said...

Glad you're feeling better.
So - this whole Sanjaya thing! I guess it's okay for now - but wouldn't it be AWFUL if he actually went all the way? Would totally ruin the show!
Are you watching Dancing with the Stars?

Anonymous said...

Sanjaya is sooooooo bad! I can't say I mind seeing on the spoofs on the guy. Sandberg from SNL did a great impression of him last week.

Hope all is well!