Monday, July 28, 2008

by now...

Most of you have gotten our little update letter.  I hope you liked it.  Todd did most of the work getting it all ready... isn't he great?  If you haven't gotten it yet, it isn't cause we don't love you, it is probably just because I didn't have your complete or correct address...  Or I forgot to write your address on the envelope and it will eventually be returned to me from the post office... Or I forgot to write my return address making it lost forever.  

In other news, Abigail has started making beards and mustaches.  I think because she was making "bows" and decided to stick it on her lip, which made everyone laugh... and so she kept going.  Soon, we all had beards and mustaches.... 


Ma and Pa Moore said...


Brad said...

I didn't get jack. :( Don't you have my full address? I thought you did. Look for it on this year's Christmas card. ha

kirsten said...

hey! how are you??? i didn't get the update letter! but, i wasn't expecting it because i am sure you have no idea what my address is. :) it is soooo good to hear from you. i am amazed at your beautiful girls! and so glad to see you still living for the Lord. let's catch up. how do we do that? through email i guess? are you ever back 'home'? i would love to see you! and if you all were here sometime, our kids could play together. how great would that be?
we need to keep in touch!